Kindergarten: Day 1

September 5th. Today is a short school day (only 4 hours). Venice was in good spirits up to the last 5 minutes we were with her. Then you could see the panic rising in her. Her face scrunched up and tears welled. Then the sobs came. We left her with a special blanket and a photo album of the people who love her. Then we walked out of the classroom. Note: At her table, the three boys were quiet and the three girls were crying quietly, tears streaming down their faces. It was all I could do to keep my own tears on hold until I was out of the classroom. When we picked Venice up, she was, again, in good spirits. The teacher said she did a good job. Venice was happy to tell us about her day.
She told us they went to the gym, but didn't do anything there, it was, "BORING!" We found out later that this was the school assembly. She said her favorite part of school was that they got two recesses. On the way out the door, she pointed to a boy she had lunch with. She told us of the book the teacher read to them, "The Kissing Hand" and that she sang one song for them. The school mascot is the Wolf Pack, so the kindergarten class are called the "Wolf Pups" and the teacher sang them a song about the "Wolf Pups". So Venice was open to talking about her day and seemingly fine about it all.
To see pictures, go to:
click on the Kindergarten page.
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