Venice and Forgiveness

I picked Venice up from school today and in her regular fashion, she asked me, "What are we doing today?" I replied that I had a few chores I needed to get done in the house so we were just going home. Her reply?
BIG HEAVING SIGH, "Mom, you NEVER plan anything interesting. It's SO BORING."
Dramatic pause while I counted to 10? No, straight to, "What? We just went to the strawberry patch yesterday, yadda yadda yadda. If you can't appreciate what I DO do for you, then I don't want to do anymore!" I tried to stay calm, but boy, that was hard. I decided she needed to show me appreciation, so I told her that she would have to go home and stay in the craft room until she could come out with a thank you note for me for all the things I DO do for her.
She came out 10 minutes later with a card for me. It wasn't a Thank You exactly. The cover said, "I Love you Mommy". The insides... well, "I. Am.Sory.Mommy Haw.CAN.I.FRGiV.You." Translated, "I am sorry Mommy. How can I forgive you?"
For the record, at this, she was instantly forgiven, of course! I tried to explain, that she actually wanted me to forgive her, not her forgiving me, but that got a bit jumbled up through my teary eyed, touched heart explanation.
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