Reel Highlights

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Venice: On having a baby

So, a few months ago, a friend gave birth to her second child. Venice had seen this woman pregnant for the entire pregnancy and then came with me to 'meet' the new baby. After our visit, on the drive home, she asked me how did the baby come out of the mommy's tummy? I decided she was old enough for me to give her most of the truth. I told her that the mommy pushes the baby out through where you go peepee. A horrified look came over her face and she shuddered. She replied, "Doesn't that hurt?" I said that it can hurt a little bit. She then said, "I don't ever want to have children." I proceeded to tell her how some mommy's give birth via C-section, or that some adopt babies. She asked more about adoption and I explained how some children need parents and some parents want the children. She asked how do they get the children, and I explained a little bit of the process, that they fill out lots of paperwork, interview, etc. The conversation was over at this point.

A few weeks later, we were driving in the car, and Venice randomly said, "When I grow up, I will not have children, it's too painful. I'm just going to fill out paperwork."

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Blogger jazz said...

Just read through your blog ... Venice surely something very big - an innocent truth. It more than just being cute - it has too much of reasoning into it - the more you try to leave it behind - more the logic of what your cutie pie said catches up.

Say my hi to her :)

10:14 PM  

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