Reel Highlights

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 2

Thursday, Day 2: First long day (about 6.5 hours). When we walked up to the classroom, the teacher had just started the class. So we told Venice that we couldn't go into the classroom. Venice turned to give Daddy a hug. I asked for a hug, she turned to me and waved, saying, "Goodbye." Then she walked into the classroom all ready to go. No looking back. Wow.

When we picked her up, she was playing with a new friend and was all smiles. We wondered out loud if we needed to pick up her notebook and she put up her hand and said, "No!" with tons of authority and confidence. "We don't get to take them home until Friday." She did, however, mention on the way out, that she did cry that day. I had noticed her special blanket and photo album had been removed from her backpack.

She told us of her day. She told us about her new friend who she mentioned looks like a friend for our old town. Venice said that he was her boyfriend. She definitely seemed smitten.

Later that day, Venice noticed that she went to pre-school for two ages, age 3 and age 4. She wanted to know why you only go to kindergarten for one age, age 5. I mentioned that first grade comes next and she said, "NO! I only want to go to kindergarten!" Then she said she'd ask her new friend what he was going to do and she'd give us an answer the next day. She certainly has a new BFF!

Hopefully this means that Day 3, 4, 5, etc. will be successful.

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