Reel Highlights

Monday, May 24, 2010

More of Girls and Boys

I volunteered today in Venice's classroom. They kids were working on their aquariums and terrariums. They were asked to figure out who had not had a chance to feed the animals yet and who's turn it should be today.

Venice said she hadn't gotten to feed the animals at all yet, but the other three at her table said she did. At this time, the girls bickered over who was lying, who wasn't being fair, who's not remembering, etc. Each time they would get quiet, and then the arguing would ensue, under breath, then loudly again. As girls fight. This went on for over 5 minutes.

As I'm trying to stay out of it, I look over at another table and two boys were deciding who was going to feed next and they did 2 out of 3 Ro Sham Bo. Simple. Done.

Meanwhile, long after the feeding of the animals, the girls were still issuing zingers under their breaths.

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