Reel Highlights

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 7

The last few days, Venice has gotten out of bed very easily, without complaint. Getting to school has been great. She hasn't asked us to come in with her. Her attitude after class has been good as well.

Today, I took her by myself to and from school. On the drop off, there was a line to get into class. I wondered out loud if she could go around the line, since she didn't need breakfast. I assumed the line was for the free breakfast they offer the kids. She said, "No, I have to stay in line to tell them that I brought my lunch." They kids put the popsicle stick with their name on it into the "hot lunch" bin or the "cold lunch" bin. Clever. Also clever of my daughter to know this information so well!

When I picked her up, she was very happy and joyful. FYI - her BFF is on the outs, as she said he was rough with her a few times (kicking). So she has a new BFF and she wouldn't leave until she got to say goodbye to him, yes, another boy she blushes over.

When we got to the car, she said, "Mom. Tomorrow, I don't want you walk me in. I want you to drop me off at the corner like all the other kids." I replied, "Do you really think other kindergarteners go in without their parents." She thought for a micro second, "No. But I want to be the first one!" I told her that Daddy and I had to discuss it. She asked, "Why? What's there to discuss?" I replied that we had to talk about whether we felt safe about that or not. Oh boy. She's definitely getting into school now!

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