Reel Highlights

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Willy Wonka: Ugh and Tears

Venice is reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the second time. She's enjoying the story a lot, so we decided to rent the original movie with Gene Wilder and watch it as a family. When Grandpa Joe started to sing a song (it was about the third or fourth song into the movie), Xander, with such perfect intonation of being bored, upset and not looking forward to yet another song, said, "Ugh." We could barely contain our laughter. He is his father's son... not into musicals, I guess.

Then, near the end of the story, when Mike TV uses the WonkaVision to make himself on TV (thus very small), Xander freaked out. He started to cry and we had to pause the movie. He barely made it through all the other kids getting into trouble (falling into the chocolate lake, blowing up like a blueberry, falling down a chute as the bad egg, ...) but shrinking... that was the last straw for him. It was too real. Poor guy.



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