Reel Highlights

Friday, April 03, 2009

Potty Power!

Today marks the THREES. It's been three weeks since we've used diapers during the day AND three nights since we've used diapers at night. Phew. We still have our share of accidents, but we have come so far and Xander sure has his share of Potty Power!

Three weeks ago, the dr. told me about "Potty Resistant" and how to deal with it. We came home, took off Xander's diaper and told him the dr. said he was too old for diapers. He cried. Then we started. 4 accidents in 4 hours. But the fourth accident, he stopped himself and finished in the potty! Yay! And one week later he got all his peeps into the potty and we were able to go to Califorina for Spring Break without diapers! I took a training potty for the back of the car and we used that when needed, but for the most part, we used potties in Starbucks, hotels, parks, rest stops, etc.! We had a few poop accidents, but those too have begun to find their way to the potty! yay!

Finally! Good job Xander!

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