Reel Highlights

Monday, January 24, 2005

Xander Kai is born!

Xander Kai Bailey has arrived. Born January 22, 2005.
9 lbs 14 oz, 21.5 inches (hello big boy!)

Friday night around 11:45pm I noticed my Braxton Hicks contractions were actually painful and at 5 min intervals. Waited at home until around 3:15am when I was convinced the car ride would still be 'comfortable' :) Checked into the hospital (after a few moments in the hallway on my hands and knees :) they checked me out and said I was about 7cm and assigned us to a room by 4am. He was born at 8:05am after less than 15 min of pushing.

Luckily, I was able to have the birth I wanted. No drugs, no IV, no medical interventions. This experience has made me realize that Venice's birth was very much an out of body experience for me while this one was extremely lucid. I was aware of everything, which made time feel to go so slowly :) There were many a time that I didn't think I could make it. I really don't know if I could do it again... I think
I'm done!

My dad was there and has taken tons of photos... I'm not sure when I'll get them online, but you can bookmark the website:
check for updates

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Only 7 to go

Centimeters that is!

So I just got back from the dr's. I am 3cm dialated. I'm excited, because I know if he said I was 0, I would have been upset as I was 4cm by now with Venice. On the other hand, I'm trying to take it with a grain of salt as I still went 6 days overdue with Venice :) I'm just glad that my body is doing the right thing and progressing similarly as to when I had Venice. I'm hoping this is good news for my second labor experience :)

Well, off to the market. Got to be sure there is food in the hosue and walking around is good for me, even if tiring :)