Reel Highlights

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sterotyping Starts Early

Funny story. We went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. There were chopsticks. While the kids were trying to figure out how to use them, Xander asked me, "Why do you know how to use them so well?" Venice answered, "Because she's from Japan and they have chopsticks there." Chris asked, "They why do I know how to use them too?" Venice confidently answered, "Because your parents taught you."

Of course!

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Counting to 100

Xander told me, firs thing this morning, that he could count to 100. I asked him if he wanted to show me, and he said yes and proceeded to count to 100. I think he only left out 27, but he made it all the way to 100! Fantastic!

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