Reel Highlights

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Xander the kidder...

We went to Venice's school to pick her up, and there Xander opened her locker and started handing things to me and Venice - he actually climbed into the locker, and finished handing things to us, including her backpack....he grabbed his book of mazes on the way out to the car...

On the way home I noticed in the rear view mirror that he was starting to slump over, and I asked if he was sleeping - no response - Venice then said that when you ask someone if they're sleeping and they answer, no, that they aren't asleep - and, if you ask them if they're asleep and they don't answer, but they giggle, then you know they aren't asleep - and Xander lets out a giggle...! - All the while he was smiling with his eyes closed...! - I accused him of tricking Jiichan, and teasing Jiichan - and he had the broadest grin you can imagine...!

What a kidder, this guy...!


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Friday, April 25, 2008

Xander's Gift to Daddy

At breakfast, we discussed as a family, "What can we get Daddy for his birthday, today?" Xander was quiet during the conversation. Venice came up with some great ideas of painted pottery, coffee, and other items, and then was off to school. About an hour later, Xander walked in with his own stuffed "Jelly Belly" animal and said, "Daddy likes jelly beans, I'm going to give him this." He then walked into Chris' office and gave him this present. How sweet is that? He remembered that Daddy likes jelly beans (jelly bellys really) and gave him something of his own. So generous and thoughtful.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Teiya and Xander

One very charming moment between these two today....they both suddenly started singing.
Teiya at the top of her lungs is singing...let's Rock and Roll....over and over she sang that. Meanwhile, Xander is singing the Big Red Car (by the Wiggles)....I thot the contrast was amazing...they were each trying to get the other to come over to their side....

Come on let's Rock and Roll
Toot toot big red car....


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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Venice Wants to Live in Portland

A week after our trip to Portland, OR, Venice says, while in the car, "When I grow up, I want to live in Portland." I ask her what about Portland did she like? She answered, "They have the [Jamison Park] fountain, the trollies," she paused, "and really good restaurants." I laugh, not only at her "cuteness" but at the fact that she says she likes the restaurants there... she probably ate only French fries while on our trip as she didn't care for many of our meals.

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