Reel Highlights

Monday, July 30, 2007

Sleepover, When are they too old?

We have been discussing when Casey will have his first sleepover here. And the kids have been enjoying playing fairies together (going against the evil Jack Frost, saving the colors and jewels.) So, we have agreed to have the first sleepover and Venice says, "When Casey's here for the sleepover, I'm going to show him my jewels." Ahhh... innocence.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm Glad You're Mine

It was time for bed and Venice went to hug and kiss Xander goodnight. Xander, with a twinkle in his eyes, ran away saying, "No!" Venice, taking the bait, ran after him yelling, "I just want to hug you!" I heard them playing chase for a few minutes and then I heard Venice catch up with him saying, "There. I hugged you." I looked down the hall and here they come walking together, Venice with her arm around Xander. I heard her say, "Xander. I'm glad I have a little brother. I'm glad you're mine." Tissue, anyone?

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Teeth coming in

Speaking of teeth... This morning, Venice asked me if she could be getting a new tooth. I said, no, your teeth have to fall out first and since we haven't lost any teeth, then no new teeth could come in. Well, tonight, Venice complained all though dinner that her cheek hurt. The meal (we were dining out) basically ended in tears. When we got home, I used a flashlight to check out her cheek and lo and behold... a new molar is half way through her gums on her left bottom side! Wow. I even checked it on the internet. The first adult teeth are the molars that show up behind the baby teeth. Crazy!

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