Reel Highlights

Friday, September 24, 2004

Venice and her room

So, Venice opened the "old" dresser drawer today and said, "It's empty." I said, "Remember you got a new dresser and it's in your closet? This one is going to be the baby's." She said, "Oooh. Mine is in the closet, and this one is the baby's. Ok."

So hopefully she still remembers that and is still ok!

Then when I was cleaning the bookcase in my office, I told her that it was going to be hers. She became interested. I said we were going to paint it and would she like it to be yellow or purple? She replied, "yellow, and purple and green and red." So,
not sure how to incorporate that :) Although, Chris and I thought, either all yellow, with the front edges purple, or checkerboard-like with each cubby yellow or purple, or just one color and we can decorate it. Since Jiichan is the artist, we'll discuss and let him have final say :)

Anyway, she got excited for the bookcase to be in her room. We mentioned that maybe she could help paint the back and she got really excited :)

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Battle of wills, or a day off?

So, the other day, on a time constraint, Venice and I had a major battle of the wills.. to get a diaper change and get dressed, or stay in pajamas. Well, Mommy and Daddy won in the end (after many tears and tantrums on all sides) and I was able to go to the mall for our mommy's group pictures.

However, today, I was not so inclined to fight, had no time constraints so did not fight her. She wanted to stay in her pajamas. Usually I can say, "when you're
ready, let me know and we'll get you dressed". Well, she was not ready until Daddy said he'd take her in the car after she dressed (this was after 4pm). So on her end, she got to wear her pajamas all day.

On my end, I refused to go anywhere (she wasn't all that interested anyway) and I did very little to entertain her. When she asked to play or do something, I said, "are you ready to get dressed?", she'd either reply "No" or she would repeat her question about playing. I would then reply, "Then you can do it yourself. As a result, I did emails, cleaned my office a little, worked on some digital pictures, watched MY TV for an hour, and more.

It was *almost* a day off for both of us :)

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