Reel Highlights

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bets on the ER

We're taking bets on when we'll go to the ER first. Chris thinks that before Xander turns 2, we'll have gone. Thus far we've gotten lucky. But that luck has to run out! Xander is a big jumper and he doesn't seem to think about it, he just does it. Whether you're ready to catch him or whether you're looking away or across the room, he just jumps. Look at this picture where he's launching himself off a slide structure to the near by couch. Sometimes he has a good landing, other times he bounces, and even other times he crashes hard. He cries, gets a kiss and is off to do it again. Crazy boy.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I love the sound of my son's feet plodding down the hall. As he runs, his feet make a pitter patter rythym on the carpet and his pacifier click clacks against itself. At 18 months, he can be so independent. Waking up in his room, opening his door, carefully closing his door, then running down the hall to find a toy to explore or us to hug.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Venice's Words of Wisdom

We had a visit with Tracy today. Venice loves Tracy and wanted to play with her the entire time. After she left, while we were having dinner, Venice exclaims, "I forgot to tell Tracy something!" We asked what and she replied, "I wanted to say that Tracy is taking very good care of her baby."

Later that evening, I asked Venice to make cookies with me. Of course she was excited to help and added, "Part of cooking is licking." Yum.

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Friday, July 07, 2006

The two of them

The two kids are still doing great together. They have their moments where one will take a toy from the other. Venice is into teasing and Xander is into hitting and so they each take care of themselves. However, there are also those moments that you watch with everything you are and soak it all in so that you can remember it for days to come. We were having dinner outside and each one was on one side of our kid's picnic table. Venice, was sitting on a towel and spread it out and asked Xander if he wanted to sit on the towel too, next to her. So he moved over to sit next to Venice while she moved his plate to be in front of him. Then she helped to feed him which he then returned the favor. They proceeded to move to the other side and then back again, all the while helping each other eat and move their plates. It was very tender to watch.

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