Xander the kidder...
We went to Venice's school to pick her up, and there Xander opened her locker and started handing things to me and Venice - he actually climbed into the locker, and finished handing things to us, including her backpack....he grabbed his book of mazes on the way out to the car...
On the way home I noticed in the rear view mirror that he was starting to slump over, and I asked if he was sleeping - no response - Venice then said that when you ask someone if they're sleeping and they answer, no, that they aren't asleep - and, if you ask them if they're asleep and they don't answer, but they giggle, then you know they aren't asleep - and Xander lets out a giggle...! - All the while he was smiling with his eyes closed...! - I accused him of tricking Jiichan, and teasing Jiichan - and he had the broadest grin you can imagine...!
What a kidder, this guy...!