Reel Highlights

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Inappropriate Jokes

So, I can't even remember what kind of game we were playing at breakfast. This discussion has taken me by surprise and all other memories have been jolted out of my brain. We were probably playing some word game where we were pretending to be animals, or making fun of animals, etc. When out of nowhere, Venice says, "And I have a small beaver in my underwear."

Chris and I looked at one another, tried to keep straight faces and say nothing. But of us were furiously thinking, "Move on, talk about something else, don't make a big deal out of it, don't bring attention to it..."

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Venice's Tooth Gap

So, Venice lost her other front top tooth. She now has a big gap in her mouth. She is very proud of this and goes around trying to say her "S's" and say things with "SH". We were walking along the path on our way to In-N-Out Burger when it dropped out of her mouth. She caught it and showed us. So... that's what it means... In-N- OUT!

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Mom Worked?

Venice, and her always curious nature, asked me if I have ever been in a car accident. I said yes. She asked where and when. I said that it happened before she was born when I was in Colorado. I was on the freeway, I stepped on the brakes a little too hard on icy roads and spun around. I didn't hit anyone, just the median, and no one was hurt. She asked where I was driving, to which I replied, "I was on my way home from work." She replied fairly quickly, "YOU worked?"

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Venice Loses Another Tooth

Venice's upper right middle tooth has been loose for at least a month now. She's been wiggling it every day wondering when it'll fall out. Tonight at dinner, she took a bite food and cried out. We looked at her and she had blood oozing out around the top of the tooth where it connects with the gums. Yum! We told her to spit out her food and she wiggled her tooth and it fell out. Among the feelings of excitement that it finally came out, we also felt horror. Who wants to see blood coming out of their kid's mouth? Yikes! But we tried to hide it, helped her clean up and wondered out lout what the Tooth Fairy would bring her (two new DVDs, by the way). She was a bit "tired" after this ordeal, perhaps she, too, was grossed out by the blood? Perhaps we didn't hide our horror as well as we thought, or, who knows. But after some ice cream to celebrate, she was excited to put the tooth in her Tooth Fairy Pillow. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be excited to tell everyone about it!

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