Reel Highlights

Monday, July 18, 2011


I measured the kids on July 7. Remember these are rough measurements.
Last time I measured them in January

Venice = 54 1/2 inches (she grew about 1 1/2 inches)
Casey = 53 inches (he grew a little under 1 inch)
Xander = 47 1/2 inches (he grew 1 inch)
Teiya = 45 1/2 inches (she grew 1 1/2 inches)



Saturday, July 16, 2011

Venice's Questions

Venice is sensitive and aware. Sometimes I just don't know how to answer all her questions! So, as an example, here's what I dealt with today:

I come into the living room and see Venice visibly upset (she is going through something right now, more anxiety than usual, we're not sure why, phase or what...) I ask her what's wrong and she's very upset about her favorite stuffed animal (Daddy Bear). As background, I have also made a rule that if she wants to get any new stuffed animal, she has to donate 5 stuffed animals (of her choice) because she has so many as it is (they don't all fit on her bed or in her case).

As we talked, her "what if" questions were non-stop. I could not make her feel safe or satisfied with any of my answers. At the end of most of these strings of conversations, I had to end each one with, "that won't happen", which wasn't satisfying to her and would launch her into the next question. In the end, we did a search on Google to find another Daddy Bear to see if we could at least get another one, we found a similar one without a pocket, so hopefully that has made her a little calmer.

Here are just the big questions I had to deal with:

1. What if the Daddy went to the store and bought me a stuffed animal and I had to give away 5 animals. So I picked the 5, then you gave them away and then I realized they were my favorite ones?

(Answer: we won't give away any you want to keep and Daddy knows not to buy you any stuffed animals. We'll make sure he remembers.)

2. What if Daddy Bear got stolen and the police said they didn't care because it was just a stuffed animal?

(Answer: Daddy Bear is sentimental, priceless to you, but to a robber, not worth anything. They will take jewelry, TVs, computers, cameras, etc. things they can sell.)

Follow up question: What if the robber has a daughter who likes bears, so he takes it?

(Answer: We'll hunt them down and find him.)

3. What if when I'm in college I don't love Daddy Bear anymore?

(Answer: then it will be ok. Whatever you decide to do with Daddy Bear, you will be ok with it.)

Follow up question: But I love him so much right now.

(Answer: Remember Toy Story 3? Remember the boy outgrew his toys and gave them to someone else to love?)

Follow up question: But I can't stand it if I didn't love him anymore. How can I make sure I love him forever?

(Answer: Sometimes we fall in and out of love with people. But with family, we always love them, no matter what. Daddy Bear is family, you will love him forever.)

Follow up question: But what if I turn out like Henry and I betray my family? (He's a character in a book we're reading who betrayed his family)

(Answer: Henry made bad choices. You will not make any choices like that.)

4. What if you were in the middle of nowhere and the bad guys asked you to pick only one family member you could save, who would you save?

(Answer: I didn't say anything.)

Follow up question: Well, what would you do?

(Answer: I wouldn't be able to choose anyone. I would probably crawl into a ball and cry.)

5. What if Daddy Bear got lost or stolen. How would we ever replace him?

(Answer: We wouldn't replace him. He is irreplaceable. We would try to find another one like him, but he wouldn't be Daddy Bear.)

THIS IS WHEN I went online and found a link to a new Daddy Bear to show her. $18 for a new one, prime shipping with Amazon.

Dinner time!

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Saturday, July 09, 2011

Morro Bay Memories

Yesterday, on one of his rest periods sitting on the bench beside me at the park, Xander and I discussed Morro Bay. He felt it was a good place to go, but sometimes boring. Then he asked me if I thot it was boring and I said sometimes, people ran out of things to talk about and it was boring. Then he said he liked the beach. I said there are several beaches, one where the water is quiet and the other part where the water is rough and I reminded him that he likes to run in the waves...then he said he remembered fishing with Jiichan. He knew they hadn't caught any, but he liked it...then he said it was a good thing we have a firepit because you could cook the fish, if you caught any. Then, he leaned over me and spoke to Gordon. He said, do you remember fishing with me Jiichan? I remember fishing with you (he sounded like an old man remembering his past)....Jiichan said he remembered, and Xander relaxed back and smiled. He was so happy.

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Monday, July 04, 2011

Xander Chats

Not only have the kids discovered email, but the chat option that goes with it. Here is a chat with Xander on July 4th:
Xander: hi
10:05 AM i love you

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