Reel Highlights

Monday, September 24, 2007

Xander's First Driving Lesson

Today, the kids asked if they could finish watching the movie in the car when we got back home. I agreed. They were quiet for a long time. So we went to check on them, just as Venice came into the house yelling, "Xander's started the Honda!" No doubt. There he was, sitting in the driver's seat, key in ignition, engine on. Crap.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 7

The last few days, Venice has gotten out of bed very easily, without complaint. Getting to school has been great. She hasn't asked us to come in with her. Her attitude after class has been good as well.

Today, I took her by myself to and from school. On the drop off, there was a line to get into class. I wondered out loud if she could go around the line, since she didn't need breakfast. I assumed the line was for the free breakfast they offer the kids. She said, "No, I have to stay in line to tell them that I brought my lunch." They kids put the popsicle stick with their name on it into the "hot lunch" bin or the "cold lunch" bin. Clever. Also clever of my daughter to know this information so well!

When I picked her up, she was very happy and joyful. FYI - her BFF is on the outs, as she said he was rough with her a few times (kicking). So she has a new BFF and she wouldn't leave until she got to say goodbye to him, yes, another boy she blushes over.

When we got to the car, she said, "Mom. Tomorrow, I don't want you walk me in. I want you to drop me off at the corner like all the other kids." I replied, "Do you really think other kindergarteners go in without their parents." She thought for a micro second, "No. But I want to be the first one!" I told her that Daddy and I had to discuss it. She asked, "Why? What's there to discuss?" I replied that we had to talk about whether we felt safe about that or not. Oh boy. She's definitely getting into school now!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 5

Today, when we picked Venice up from school, she said, "I want to stay at Kindergarten!" We convinced her to come home with us :)

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 4

Monday, the first day after a "too short" weekend. Venice woke up tired and said she didn't want to go to school. We mentioned seeing her new BFF and she replied, "He doesn't go to school on Mondays or Tuesdays." Hmmm. Seems like a lie. We encourage her to get ready and she does. This morning went by without any tears. At her classroom door, she asked if we could walk in with her. We said we couldn't and she seemed at peace with the decision. When we picked her up, she mentioned she had met a new friend on the playground, this one a girl. I think she's happy to find a girl to be friends with too. Yay, Venice!

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Xander Man

Xander, 2.5 years old, just informed me that he's going to grow up. I said, "You're going to grow up, huh?" He replied, "Yes. Into a Man."

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Kindergarten: Reflection

I'm definitely missing her (hello, 6.5 hours a day to not see someone I've been with 24/7 for 5.5 years is a bit weird!) and so is Xander. We're not quite sure what to do with ourselves! With summer over and fall here, we just don't know what to do. Not to mention, I'm a bit nervous to just hang out at home, I think I'd just be waiting for the phone to ring with news about Venice. So I have to get out.

Poor Xander, he's alone at the park with no one to play with (Mommy isn't as much of a playmate as Venice... just not as energetic :) And so... we've gone shopping a bit (a habit I don't want to start, but the retail therapy has been good). So, we have to figure out our new routine as a "Half empty nest". I'm hoping to get Xander into Gymboree classes, or art classes or something to help keep us busy!

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Friday, September 07, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 3

So, waking up today was VERY difficult. Venice was very tired. When I opened her curtains, she complained as to how bright it was. When I turned on the light, she said it was burning her like the sun. Um... dramatic much? We were basically forced to pull the covers off of her, she did not want to get out of bed. She kept saying, "I'm not going to school today." "I'm never going again." "You can't make me go!" This back and forth ended up in a crying fest. She was sobbing and not really cooperating in getting dressed for the day. Oh yeah, it's also picture day today. Can you say "puffy eyes"?

We finally got her dressed and her hair done pretty for picture day. She calmed down in her room alone while we made her breakfast and she actually ate a decent breakfast. A miracle. Then off to school. She was great leaving the house, in the car, and walking to class. At her classroom door, we saw her table-mate crying. I showed Venice and mentioned how she was sad to come to school too and how Venice was sad that morning, that it is ok, many kids feel this way. I'm not sure Venice heard a word I said, she was "in the zone" ready to charge right into the classroom. Not to mention, her new BFF had arrived and had walked up to her and waved. Venice turned to me, pointing to him and whispering, "That's him!" So, after a horrible morning, dropping her off was somewhat of a non issue.

While we were dropping her off, BFF's dad was there asking us what Venice's name was. He said his son talked about her all day yesterday. So, the feelings are mutual :)

When we picked her up. The first words out of her mouth were, "You have to meet BFF's parents!" I asked why and she replied, "So we can have stay-overs!"

So, it was a successful day. She reported about her day. It sounds like there were no crying episodes at school today. She took her photo nicely. She ate some lunch, which is good to know as we are worried she won't be getting food into her body with out us hounding her :) And she was in pretty good spirits after we got home. Much more lively than she was yesterday when she came home (she was pretty quiet and just played computer games all afternoon yesterday). She played puzzles, talked to us, and was jovial. She still wasn't the nicest to brother Xander, but hey, we're thinking we're doing pretty good here!

It's the weekend now. Yay! We'll see how Monday goes, but we won't think about that until Sunday night!

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 2 Part 2

After picking up Venice from school, we walked to the car. As we neared the car, I asked her if I could open her door for her. She replied with gumption, "Let it fly, man!" We all had a good laugh.

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Kindergarten: Day 2

Thursday, Day 2: First long day (about 6.5 hours). When we walked up to the classroom, the teacher had just started the class. So we told Venice that we couldn't go into the classroom. Venice turned to give Daddy a hug. I asked for a hug, she turned to me and waved, saying, "Goodbye." Then she walked into the classroom all ready to go. No looking back. Wow.

When we picked her up, she was playing with a new friend and was all smiles. We wondered out loud if we needed to pick up her notebook and she put up her hand and said, "No!" with tons of authority and confidence. "We don't get to take them home until Friday." She did, however, mention on the way out, that she did cry that day. I had noticed her special blanket and photo album had been removed from her backpack.

She told us of her day. She told us about her new friend who she mentioned looks like a friend for our old town. Venice said that he was her boyfriend. She definitely seemed smitten.

Later that day, Venice noticed that she went to pre-school for two ages, age 3 and age 4. She wanted to know why you only go to kindergarten for one age, age 5. I mentioned that first grade comes next and she said, "NO! I only want to go to kindergarten!" Then she said she'd ask her new friend what he was going to do and she'd give us an answer the next day. She certainly has a new BFF!

Hopefully this means that Day 3, 4, 5, etc. will be successful.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Kindergarten: Day 1

September 5th. Today is a short school day (only 4 hours). Venice was in good spirits up to the last 5 minutes we were with her. Then you could see the panic rising in her. Her face scrunched up and tears welled. Then the sobs came. We left her with a special blanket and a photo album of the people who love her. Then we walked out of the classroom. Note: At her table, the three boys were quiet and the three girls were crying quietly, tears streaming down their faces. It was all I could do to keep my own tears on hold until I was out of the classroom. When we picked Venice up, she was, again, in good spirits. The teacher said she did a good job. Venice was happy to tell us about her day.

She told us they went to the gym, but didn't do anything there, it was, "BORING!" We found out later that this was the school assembly. She said her favorite part of school was that they got two recesses. On the way out the door, she pointed to a boy she had lunch with. She told us of the book the teacher read to them, "The Kissing Hand" and that she sang one song for them. The school mascot is the Wolf Pack, so the kindergarten class are called the "Wolf Pups" and the teacher sang them a song about the "Wolf Pups". So Venice was open to talking about her day and seemingly fine about it all.

To see pictures, go to:
click on the Kindergarten page.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Xander, a.k.a. Puzzle Master

So, Xander has taken to puzzles and actually does a really good job. He understands me when I suggest that he rotate a piece or look for a similar colored piece. He does our United States of America puzzle with lightening speed. Granted, the puzzle board has the states outlined and have some matching pictures (like state produce or flower) but hey, he's only 2.5 years old, I'm impressed.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

School's Starting Soon

Venice starts Kindergarten in 2 days. She's very anxious about being away from home, Mommy and Daddy and "the known". But, mixed in with the fear, is a bit of excitement. We gave her a new lunchbox today and we're about to fill her backpack will all her school supplies, which she's very excited to do.

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